Monday, July 23, 2007

Help me please!

Okay, I am outnumbered and overrun by my kids' DVDs. It thought that I had a practical solution with baskets that fit in our entertainment center. Every day though, they end up strewn about the family room. Even when they are put away they overflow in their baskets. When they are out, the kids open them and pull out the DVDs and end up scratching them. Does anyone have a tried & true solution to my dilemma?


Jill said...
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Jill said...

Okay ...I wasn't really invited to your blog, Christ Stokes just told me about it and I LOVE organizational stuff so I just keep checking it to see what you guys are doing, I hope you don't mind. Anyway you could put all the kid DVD's in a case-logic case (they have them that hold like 300) and keep it up high so only you control the DVD's - it might add some time to your day to have to do the DVD's for your kids but it will save you some money and keep the DVD's safe and always picked up. Also it would be nice if you have a travel DVD system to just be able to grab the caselogic for roadtrips and you have all of your DVDs with you. And then just toss all the old cases - they take up tons of room and there is no reason to keep them!

Chris said...

I also do the same thing and it works great - and ieven have a spare smaller version to take along on road trips because that thing is kind gigantic - But I love it - We have a mom and dad case and a kids case.